public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from GodSigmA with tag community

December 2007

Building a Community, Byte by Byte

Start-Up Weekend Brings Strangers Together to Launch an Internet Company

10 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing Sucks… | Collective Thoughts

…or more importantly, the way most people seem to be going about it, including me at times.

March 2007


Iqons is a social networking site for the fashion community. For professionals, stars, students and everyone interested in fashion designers, stylists, fashion photographers and models.


Piczo has created a space that gives teens around the world the freedom and tools to express themselves and connect with friends in a safer social networking environment.

by 2 others is a social network for hundreds of social causes and over 1 million nonprofit organizations.

Stylehive - What's hot. Right now

The Stylehive is a global social shopping community, dedicated to discovering and sharing the most exciting products, the stores that sell them, and the people that find them.


by 1 other
Unilife è una community dedicata al mondo universitario italiano e di conseguenza a tutte le persone che ruotano attorno a questo mondo: in primis gli studenti e i docenti, ma anche dottorandi, laureati e personale non docente.


by 11 others
Bebo is the next generation social networking site where members can stay in touch with their College friends, connect with friends, share photos, discover new interests and just hang out.

GodSigmA's TAGS related to tag community

company +   fashion +   internet +   job +   marketing +   media +   social +   social network +   startup +   università +   web +   web2.0 +