public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags atom & hotlinked


InfoQ: Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs

by mbertier & 2 others (via)
Microsoft switches from the Web Structured, Schema’d & Searchable (Web3S) protocol to Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) for services offered by Microsoft's Live Platform on the Web.




phil ringnalda dot com: Google News feeds: meh

by François Hodierne
"Yay, Google News now has RSS and Atom feeds. But, boo, they have RSS and Atom feeds. Both. With no real reason to choose between them: both have heinous escaped table-and-font HTML as the only content, both have escaped numeric character references in the titles "

The Hegelian dialectic of syndication formats

by François Hodierne & 1 other
"All over the blogospherihelion, notable beardies are proclaiming RSS 2.0 as the Thesis, RSS 1.0 the Antithesis, and Atom 1.0 as the Synthesis. And it does, you have to admit if you actually read the spec appear pretty much that way. Hussah."

ongoing · Atom 1.0

by mbertier & 7 others (via)
It’s cooked and ready to serve. There are a couple of IETF process things to do, but this draft is essentially Atom 1.0.

Gmail adds feed reading

by François Hodierne & 4 others
"there's a new feature in Gmail called Web Clips, which displays little headlines above your inbox or message and is fed via, um, feeds."

Atom Publishing Protocol - new draft spec

by Krome & 2 others (via)
Doesn't look like the protocol's going to be finished this month...

Atom Publishing Protocol - new draft spec

by mbertier & 2 others
Doesn't look like the protocol's going to be finished this month... API

by François Hodierne & 5 others
"We're proud to announce the first release of our API. It's an implementation of the Atom API so i'ts pure HTTP + XML. In fact, Building an Atom enabled linkblog service was the first motivation in the project."

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag atom

c# +   code +   csharp +   feed +   google +   rss +   ruby +  

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